Countee Cullen (1903-1946)

A selective list of online literary criticism for the African American poet Countee Cullen, favoring signed articles by recognized scholars, and articles published in peer-reviewed sources

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introduction & literary criticism

"Countee Cullen." An introduction, plus excerpts of reputable critical discussions on the following topics: on Cullen's Life and Career; Chronology; Charles Cullen Illustration from Copper Sun; Cullen on African-Americans, Literary Tradition, and Modernity; On Race, Homosexuality, and Visual and Verbal Androgyny in Cullen's Work; On "Heritage"; On "Incident"; On "Tableau"; On "Yet Do I Marvel"; On "From the Dark Tower"; About the Sonnet; Excerpts from Cullen's Forward to Caroling Dusk; A Countee Cullen Exhibit; External Links; Online Poems. Modern American Poetry, (U of Illinois).

"Countee Cullen." An extended introduction, from the Poetry Foundation.

"Countee Cullen." An introduction, from the Academy of American Poets.

Daniel, Walter C. "Countee Cullen." Teaching guide for Countee Cullen's poetry, from academic publisher Heath.

Davis, Arthur P. "The Alien-and-Exile Theme in Countee Cullen's Racial Poems." Phylon 14, 4 (1953) pp 390-400 [old article, free at jstor, click "Preview" or "Read Online"].

Goldweber, David E. "Cullen, Keats, and the privileged liar." Papers on Language and Literature, Winter 2002 [questia subscription service].

Kirby, David K. Countee Cullen's "Heritage": A Black "Waste Land" South Atlantic Bulletin 36, 4 (Nov. 1971) pp 14-20 [free at jstor, click "Preview" or "Read Online"].

Powers, Peter. "The Singing Man Who Must be Reckoned With": Private Desire and Public Responsibility in the Poetry of Countee Cullen. African American Review, Winter, 2000

Molesworth, Charles. "Countee Cullen's Reputation." Charles Transition 107 (2012) pp 67-77 [jstor, summary only].

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