Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

A selective list of online literary criticism and analysis for the eighteenth-century novelist Henry Fielding, favoring signed articles by recognized scholars and articles published in reviewed sources

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Literary Criticism

Cleary, Thomas R. Introduction to Henry Fielding from the Literary Encyclopedia, 07 July 2001; On The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great (1731); On Joseph Andrews (1742) ; On Tom Jones (1749)

Laban, Larry. "Of True Greatness: An Inquiry into the Rhetoric of Henry Fielding, as Illustrated in the Characterization of the Hero." From a faculty symposium, March, 1998

Stern, Simon. Tom Jones and the Economies of Copyright, in Eighteenth-Century Fiction,Volume 9, Number 4 (July 1997). Special issue on Fiction and the Law

Weidhorn, Manfred. "Twin Stars: The Anxiety of Sibling Rivalry between Literary Titans." Includes an extended discussion of Henry Fielding and Samuel Richardson. In Papers on Language and Literature, Spring 2004

The American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. Web site for the scholarly journal.

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